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Θέσεις εργασίας σε Κρήτη-Ντουμπάι-Μόναχο - 3/4/2015

Grecruitment is a Thessaloniki based cross border recruitment consultancy and the pioneer in recruitment when it comes to supporting Greek professionals in finding a job abroad. Our service is free of charge and without any obligation for the candidates.


Όλες οι θέσεις εργασίας υπάρχουν, επίσης, στην ιστοσελίδα μας www.grecruitment.com


Ειδικός Παθολόγος, Κρήτη


Ιδιωτικό πολυιατρείο στο νησί της Κρήτης , επιθυμεί  να προσλάβει άμεσα έναν Ειδικό γιατρό Παθολόγο, για μόνιμη συνεργασία ή και 6μηνη απασχόληση, κατα τους μήνες του καλοκαιριού (Μάιο-Οκτώβριο). Πρόκειται για ένα ιατρείο , το οποίο διαθέτει  Τμήμα Επειγόντων Περιστατικών, Μικροβιολογικό  και Ακτινολογικό εργαστήριο. Εξυπηρετεί πλήθος ασθενών και δη τουριστών, μιας και το νησί υποδέχεται κάθε χρόνο πολύ μεγάλο αριθμό επισκεπτών από όλο τον κόσμο.


Προφίλ Υποψηφίου


  • Ειδικευθείς/εισα στην Εσωτερική Παθολογία ή τη Γενική Ιατρική
  • Πολύ καλή γνώση αγγλικών
  • Επιθυμητή η γνώση κι άλλων ξένων γλωσσών
  • Ευχάριστος χαρακτήρας με διάθεση για άσκηση του λειτουργήματος


Περιγραφή Θέσης


  • Καθημερινή 6ωρη απασχόληση 2 σαβ/κα το μήνα
  • Ανάληψη εφημεριών
  • Επικουρικό εισόδημα εφημεριών/περιστατικό
  • Εργασία σε ένα όμορφο περιβάλλον
  • Συνεργασία με έμπειρη ομάδα γιατρών



Αποστείλατε το βιογραφικό σας σημείωμα στο Email: info@grecruitment.com




Female Gynecologist/Obstetrician,Dubai


Job Description:


·         Provides consultations, examinations, treatment including procedures with full range of agents, methods and techniques, observing quality and safety standard in the OB/Gynecology Department. 

·         Provides technical advice and guidance to colleagues and nursing staff as part of orientation or training in new techniques and procedures in OB/Gynecology areas.

·         Conducts rounds to inpatients under care to assess patients' condition and treatment progress; develop treatment care plaans; order treatment regimens; establish rapport with the patient and relatives; and answer patients queries.

·         See patients preoperatively to evaluate patient's condition and suitably prior to any procedures.

·         Examines the patient post-operatively to assess complications, order further treatment or referral to other specialty as indicated.

·         Participate in teh quality programs in collaboration with QPS Department. Must be active member of hospital-wide committees like Code Blue Committee in a postion designated or elected by committee members.

·         Provides continuing education, training and demonstration by sharing new procedures and techniques to colleagues, nurses and technicians assigned within the department in collaboration with Academic Affairs and Researce Center.

·         Attends to work and on-call schedules on time and performs duties completely before ending the shift.

·         Attends to scheduled or unscheduled meetings to discuss and resolve problems.

·         Assist the Chief OB/Gynecology Department as required like assuming administrative responsibility in the absence of the Chief or looking after his patients as requested.

·         Performs other dutiess necessary to effect efficient services in the department without hesitation.


Candidate Profile:


·         MBBS or MBChB or equivalent qualification from an accredited institution

·         Completion of specialty qualification as per the Recognized Specialty Certificate

·         Physicians with an accredited American Board of Medical Specialty (ABMS) Certification, Specialization of the RCPSC, Certification by the College of Family Physicians Canada (CSPC), Certificate of Completion of Specialist Training (CCST) or Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) from UK.

·         5 years of experience in a hospital environment

·         Very good English Language Skills

·         Either already received DHA/HAAD license or planning to start the process ASAP


The employer offers:


·         Attractive tax-free salary

·         Relocation package including Housing, Transportation, Family Packages, Flight Tickets (once/year)


Application Process: Send your CV to info@grecruitment.com.




Plastic Surgeon,Dubai

Job Description:

·         Provides consultations, examinations, treatments including procedures with full range of agents, methods, and techniques, observing quality and safety standards in the Plastic Surgery Department.

·         Conducts rounds to inpatients under care to assess patient’s condition and treatment progress; develop treatment care plans; order treatment regimens; establish rapport with the patient and relatives; and answer patient’s queries.

·         Provides technical advice and guidance to colleagues and nursing staff as part of orientation or training in new techniques and procedures in Plastic Surgery areas.

·         Sees patients preoperatively to evaluate patient’s condition and suitability prior to any procedures.

·         Examines the patient post-operatively to assess complications, order further treatment or referral to other specialty as indicated.

·         Participates in the quality programs in collaboration with QPS Department. Must be active member of hospital-wide committees like Code Blue Committee in a position designated or elected by committee members.

·         Provides continuing education, training, and demonstration by sharing new procedures and techniques to colleagues, nurses, and technicians assigned within the department in collaboration with Academic Affairs and Research Center.

·         Attends to work and on-call schedules on time and performs duties completely before ending the shift. Endorses to the next shift any uncompleted task to be continued and/or completed. Responses to emergencies in the hospital without delay during on-call duty.

·         Attends to scheduled or unscheduled meetings to discuss and resolve problems.

·         Perform other duties necessary to effect efficient services in the department without hesitation.


Candidate Profile:

·         MBBS or MBChB or equivalent qualification from an accredited institution

·         Completion of specialty qualification as per the Recognized Specialty Certificate

·         Physicians with an accredited American Board of Medical Specialty (ABMS) Certification, Specialization of the RCPSC, Certification by the College of Family Physicians Canada (CSPC), Certificate of Completion of Specialist Training (CCST) or Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) from UK.

·         5 years of experience in a hospital environment

·         Very good English Language Skills

·         Either already received DHA/HAAD license or planning to start the process ASAP


The employer offers:

·         Attractive tax-free salary

·         Relocation package including Housing, Transportation, Family Packages, Flight Tickets (once/year)


Application Process: Send your CV to info@grecruitment.com.



Assistenzarzt Innere Medizin/Kardiologie,München



Im Auftrag unseres Kunden, eine Klinik, wo operativ und konservativ das gesamte Spektrum der Inneren Medizin mit einem Schwerpunkt auf Kardiologie durchgeführt wird, suchen wir einen Assistenzarzt.


Ihre Qualifikation:

Sie haben ein abgeschlossenes Studium der Medizin.

Sozial- und Beratungskompetenz

Kommunikationsvermögen, Kooperations- und Teamfähigkeit

Einsatzbereitschaft und Verantwortungsbewusstsein sind auch erforderlich

C1 Kenntnisse der deutschen Sprache (erwünscht)


Die Klinik bietet:

Gutes und offenes Arbeitsklima sowie eine freundschaftliche, interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit

Hervorragende interne Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten in den Bereichen  Innere-/ Allgemeinmedizin, Kardiologie, Intensivmedizin, Nephrologie, Gastroenterologie und Onkologie.

Moderne medizinische Geräteausstattung

Bitte senden Sie uns per Email alle nötigen Unterlagen:

Ausführlicher Lebenslauf in deutscher Sprache

Aktuelles Bewebungsbild

OP Bericht, falls vorhanden

Bewerbungsunterlagen (z.B. Diplome, Arbeitszeugnisse, Sprachzertifikate)


Bewerbungen senden Sie bitte an :lina.mpertou@grecruitment.com


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